Betham Law Blog

Brittany Betham Brittany Betham

How to Include Your Pet in Your Estate Plan

Pets are an important part of any owner's household, and because of that, what happens to your pet after your death is a legitimate concern regardless of age. Fortunately, you can include your pet in your estate plan through your will or through a pet trust. If you are on the fence about whether a pet trust is appropriate for you, schedule a consultation with an attorney at Betham Law, PLLC and we will guide you through the process. For legal advice relating to any of your estate planning matters or revisiting your will, please contact Betham Law, PLLC to schedule a consultation today.

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Brittany Betham Brittany Betham

Functions, Misconceptions, & Myths about Living Trusts

A living trust is an estate planning tool that allows you, the grantor, to transfer your assets into a trust. Once you, the grantor, create a trust, you must assign a trusted individual, known as the trustee, to manage and distribute your assets that are in the trust to your beneficiaries according to your wishes upon your death. There are common misconceptions and myths revolving around living trusts and their functions.

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Brittany Betham Brittany Betham

Reasons for Getting a Prenuptial Agreement in NC

There are a number of reasons as to why you should create a prenuptial agreement prior to getting married. The most important reason is to protect yourself, your partner, and your individual assets entering into a marriage. A prenuptial agreement is created before entering into the marriage, and the agreement outlines what happens to your assets, debts, and property in the event of divorce.

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Brittany Betham Brittany Betham

Reasons to Update Your Will in the New Year

Heading into 2024, it is essential to have an estate plan in place to ensure that your assets are distributed exactly as intended when you pass away. An integral part of your estate plan is having a will created. Having a will created is only the first step, the second step is maintaining your will throughout the years. Typically, you should revisit your will every 3-5 years to update it for any of the following life events: change in marital status, having or adopting a child, moving to a new state, acquiring new assets, and the death of a spouse or power of attorney just to name a few.

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Brittany Betham Brittany Betham

Creating an Estate Plan in NC

Creating an estate plan can be incredibly stressful and time consuming, but having an estate planning attorney can help to guide you through the process in a competent and caring manner. For more information on the steps to create an estate plan, please contact Betham Law, PLLC to schedule a consultation.

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